The Black SwanA Tale of an Adventurous Swan【電子書籍】[ Albert Spavins ]

The Black SwanA Tale of an Adventurous Swan【電子書籍】[ Albert Spavins ] The Black SwanA Tale of an Adventurous Swan【電子書籍】[ Albert Spavins ] The Black SwanA Tale of an Adventurous Swan【電子書籍】[ Albert Spavins ]

The Black Swan is a childrens' book for our times. I deals with the sad reality of human impact on the environment...not only does it make us face up to that gives hope for change. The message is the moral.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:360円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0.0

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